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Educating and advocating, so that all who use       NM roadways are respected, safe, and accountable! 

VRUnm is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the safety  of *vulnerable road users* in New Mexico.        We raise awareness about road safety          and provide resources and support to          those whose lives are devastated by              traffic violence. 

If you would like to help support our cause, we would love to hear from you. Please visit our "Get Involved" page to learn about the different ways you can help. Together, we can make a difference and create a safer future for all who use our roadways!

           *Vulnerable Road Users are any persons who are outside the protection of a motor vehicle.                                Walkers/runners, bicyclists, persons riding motorcycles, road crews, and many others are all vulnerable road users.  They are at particular risk due to the far greater size, speed, and maneuverability of cars, trucks, and SUVs. 


From our founder, Barbara Toth - "New Mexico is consistently at or near the top of lists indicating where the greatest number of vulnerable road users are injured and killed every year. That makes our state one of the most dangerous places for bicyclists, pedestrians, and others who choose a means of transport other than a car, truck, or SUV! In March of 2020, while riding his bicycle, my husband was struck from behind by a 17-year-old driving a truck. He sustained very serious injuries - most significantly, a broken back and partially severed spinal cord!  His life was spared, but his quality of life was impacted in a number of challenging ways. How does one pick up the pieces following such an ordeal? I felt compelled to become a voice for those in our community who have suffered. There is often too little concern shown for the safety. of vulnerable road users.     I have become convinced that, if all who use New Mexico's roadways can be persuaded to do so more responsibly, we can make a measurable improvement! Vulnerable Road Users NM was born out of that confidence. Along with the support of others in our community, we are determined to make changes that will positively impact the future!"

Organizational Documents

BY-LAWS (revised 12/22)


(Website sponsored by Prosper Real Estate)

- Vulnerable Road Users NM, incorporated in the state of New Mexico, 2022. Also in 2022, awarded 501(c)3 statrus by the IRS -

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