VRUnm is actively involved in changing the culture
of road use in our communities! Safer, smarter road use enhances everyone's quality of life.
You can be part of making that happen!
General Operating Budget for 2024,
$10,625 - Some specific line items are listed below, should you wish to designate funds toward a particular project.
Student packets for 2024 Driver's Ed presentations (we are planning for 420 students; approx. $2400)
Distracted Driving Goggles We'd like a 2nd pair of goggles in order to serve additional people at our distracted driving demos. $1050
We'd like to host a week-long ArriveAlive event, featuring a state of the art safe-driving simulator. We are seeking Sponsors to make this exciting outreach a reality! Aiming for September, 2025! This would be a tremendous opportunity to dramatically increase awareness about safe road use! Approx. cost - *16,000
On-going - Celebrate a birthday or other special day by hosting a GoFundMe or similar event to benefit VRUnm on social media!
Sept-Nov, Farmer's Market One Saturday each month: set up, interact with the public, pack up. Approx. 7 AM to 1 PM. *Sept 28* Additional dates will be listed here as they become available.
Nov. 17, World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims *Watch here for details*